Why Infusion Therapy is Safer to Provide In-Home

As we think back on healthcare, most patients were treated in the home. Doctors came to the home, babies were born in the home, and it was rare that someone was sent to the hospital.

As the pendulum swings back, there are multiple reasons why infusion is safer in the home.

Consider some of the advantages:

  • Less risk of exposure to an HAI (Healthcare Acquired Infection) We have all heard stories of someone who did not have Covid but came out of the hospital with Covid. The risk of acquiring any HAI is significantly reduced in the home. Patients and family members are much more comfortable in their own home. 15-30% of the population suffer from White Coat Syndrome or White Coat Hypertension per medical views today.com. Having this syndrome can affect your ability to tolerate your medication

  • Nurses in the home practice clean and sterile techniques, equipment is cleaned before and after each use following the same precautionary measures and techniques that are used in an outpatient clinic. The risk of infusing the wrong medication is extremely low. The pharmacy delivers the medication and supplies directly to the patients home and correct medication and dosage is verified by the RN. Intimacy is established between the RN and the patient when care is delivered in the home. Patients are less defensive and more willing to communicate their needs, fears, and expectations. The RN puts her personal touch on each visit.

  • Moving forward, more and more infusions will be delivered in the comfort of the patient’s home by a licensed trained RN. It is safe, convenient, and personalized care specifically targeted to each patient’s needs.


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